

FOR:- Boys / Girls

Monday , Tuesday, Thursday, Friday :-
1. Brown Trouser/half pent/ Skirt [check (for Nur. To UKG)]
2. Light peach Color Shirt,
3. Brown Socks with 2 Peach Color Strips,
4. Black leather shoes (plane).

Wednesday:- 1. White Trouser/ half pent/ Skirt,
2. White Shirt,
3. White Socks with 2 Brown strips,
4. White Tennis Shoes.

Saturday :- 1. * House T Shirt, 2. White Trouser/ half pent/Shirt, 3. White Socks with 2 Brown Strips, 4. White Tennis Shoes.
*House T- Shirts:- Beas House:- Red, Jhelum House :- Blue, Ravi House :- Yellow, Sutlej House :- Green.


FOR:- Boys / Girls

Monday , Tuesday, Thursday, Friday :-
1. Brown Trouser/ Skirt [check (for Nur. To UKG)],
2. Light peach Color Shirt,
3 Brown jerseys with light peach color strip,
4 Brown Blazers with Logo,
5. Brown Socks with Peach Color Strips,
6. Black leather shoes (plane).
Wednesday:- 1. White Trouser/ Skirts ,
2. White Shirt,
3. Brown jersey with light peach Color strip
4. Brown Blazer with logo,
5. White Socks with Coffee strip,
6. White Tennis Shoes.
Saturday :- 1. White shirt, 2. White Trouser/ Shirt, 3. Brown Jersey with light peach Colour strip 4. Brown Blazer with logo, 5. White Socks with Coffee Strip, 6. White Tennis Shoes.

  • https://www.jeffekennedy.com/
  • https://ciglobalcalendar.net/
  • https://adigitalab.com/
  • https://guzmanproduce.com/
  • https://www.motox.info/
  • https://mygreenbin.in/
  • https://animalspace.net/
  • https://www.cantinavaldineto.com/
  • https://advconsulting.net/
  • https://sweetheartflute.com/
  • https://leip.upnvirtual.edu.mx/
  • https://www.bbs-bathcosmetics.be/
  • https://estudeipassei.com.br/
  • https://edutalenta.asia/
  • https://ylc.aima.in/
  • https://paraisointerior.es/
  • https://globaliweb.com/
  • https://addcom.com.sg/
  • https://www.alsf.int/
  • https://www.leonidas-reunion.com/
  • https://flow-design.hu/